Saturday, April 2, 2011

Columbia Burn Day

Alright guys, we are getting so close!  Last week we had our "Columbia Burn Day" which consist of setting the scene for a true fire situation.  Each company was assigned to either fire attack, second due engine, ladder company, rescue and rehab.  We rode on the engines and trucks to the "scene" and went to work!  The adrineline was pumping as we sat in the truck and waited on "the call".  As we took care of our responsiblilities everything went by so quickly and then we would clean up and go on to the next.  At the time it didn't seem to take much energy, but I was soooo sore the next day!  It was really neat to put everything together and see what all is actually happening on scene.  In just 3 and 1/2 short weeks we will be on the floor getting it done!  Can't wait!  Fire Fighter I test is Monday and Fire Fighter II test the following Thursday.  After that we have rescue the rescuer and then our timed skills test for the city....then graduation!!